Uruguay Virtual Mission Trip
Sep 23rd - 27th, 2020 Deadline: September 23, 2020
Join the adventure as we build church #1 of 100…from the safety and comfort of your own home!
The world has been locked down for months and our travels halted…enough is enough! Church #1 of 100 was planned to be built by a mission team from New York, but due to travel restrictions for COVID-19, the trip had to be cancelled. However, the funds have been sent by the New York Ministry Network and the national church will be moving forward with the church construction.
Trip Schedule
Please note: all times are Eastern Standard Times.
Wednesday, 9/23/20
12:00 PM (EST) Worksite visit
7:00 PM Uruguayan prayer service
Thursday, 9/24/20
12:00 PM On the job with special guest
7:00 PM Pastor Marcelo and Virginia’s Story-Part 1
Friday, 9/25/20
12:00 PM Pastor Marcelo & Virginia’s Story-Part 2
7:00 PM Missionary family life with Laci Moore & Jill McCarthy
Saturday, 9/26/20
12:00 PM On the job with special guest
7:00 PM Cultural tour of the area
Sunday, 9/27/20
7:00 PM Church celebration service
The “Benefits” of the Uruguay Virtual Mission Trip!
- Experience a mission trip without the cost of traveling.
- Experience a missions trip with your entire family while in the comfort of your home.
- Experience a missions trip no matter your age without risk to anyone.
- Educational virtual learning experience for everyone.
- Expose your children and grandchildren to another culture giving them an expanded worldview and deeper appreciation for what they have, while cultivating compassion towards others.