Rebuild War-Damaged Churches in Ukraine | Builders International

Rebuild War-Damaged Churches in Ukraine

Ryan Moore September 5, 2024 2min read Project Launch

Rebuild War-Damaged Churches in Ukraine

The war in Ukraine has dragged on for over two and a half years, leaving behind destruction but also a deep hunger for hope. Even amidst the conflict, people are gathering in damaged churches, seeking peace and refuge in these trying times.

We invite you to be a part of something extraordinary.

Join Us in October!

Be part of a life-changing trip to Ukraine, where you’ll help AGWM missionaries, Gerald and Jane Dollar, in the reconstruction of a local church that was destroyed during the war. Your efforts will empower this church to continue being a beacon of hope and healing in the community’s greatest hour of need.

By helping rebuild this church, you’ll also enable pastors to keep proclaiming the Gospel, offering eternal life, and bringing hope to those desperately seeking it.

Why Now?

  • Immediate Need: The local church is a cornerstone for the community, and it urgently needs restoration to continue serving those affected by the war.
  • A Unique Opportunity: This trip offers a chance not only to rebuild physical structures but also to restore hope and strength in the hearts of those who have lost so much.

Are you ready to make an impact that will last far beyond your time in Ukraine?

Get all the information and register for the team here.

Thank you for considering this opportunity to serve alongside us. Together, we can rebuild, restore, and renew hope for the people of Ukraine.