Ray of Hope! | Builders International

Ray of Hope!

Ryan Moore April 29, 2020 3min read The Builders Weekly

Ray of Hope!

In this season of uncertainty, we have struggled with how to communicate. Do we continue to share the needs of projects while so many of our partners are facing challenges? 

We have concluded that God’s mission moves forward through his people in every season. We will simply share the needs and never assume God is not empowering His church and people during this difficult season!

In January through March this year, we had teams on the ground in the Bahamas, Chile, Honduras, Mexico, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Panama, and Nepal. We had 45 teams scheduled for this year and progress was being made on projects around the world. 

Insert COVID-19! The world turned upside down, wreaking havoc on the American economy, churches, businesses, jobs…the entire world.

Suddenly, no one is traveling. Borders are closed. Martial law was instituted in many countries. Most international construction work has been shut down. Add to that the uncertainty of when borders and travel will open back up and all of the sudden our missionary partners are facing a huge challenge!

How will these projects move forward without the teams and contributions that come along with them for the work?

There is a ray of hope in Brussels, Belgium! 

Thanks to the generous contributions that continue to come in for the Continental Theological Seminary (CTS), we have been able to help keep the project funded and moving forward. The design is now complete and the building permit is in hand.

Without the opportunity to send teams in the coming months, your giving to keep projects moving forward has never been more needed.

Thanks to the amazing partners we have on the ground around the world, when funding is available, work can continue in each country with local labor as their governments allow.

Now is the time to join the unstoppable mission-minded family of monthly givers.

This passionate community is invested in building schools and churches around the world where people find HOPE.

Jesus said, “I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.” Matthew 16:18b

COVID-19 will not prevail! With God’s help and your generosity, the Builders community will continue to BUILD!

We will BUILD churches where people find hope.

We will BUILD grade schools to educate the next generation.

We will BUILD Bible schools to equip and empower leaders.