Kendice Assembly of God Church
Kendice Assembly of God is the only Protestant church ministering to the Roma people on the outskirts of this Slovak village. A permanent building will allow more Romas in Slovakia access to the gospel and a place to find hope in Jesus.
The church has the shell established but hit a roadblock with project completion. The finished building will be 30×50 meters with an auditorium seating up to 250. The church currently has 100 attendees, so this allows room for growth. It will also have bathrooms, a foyer, a space for children’s ministry, and a kitchen. Teams are needed to help finish heating systems, electrical, plumbing, flooring, kitchen, stucco, lighting conductors, and the parking lot.
This permanent church building will bring hope and the life-changing power of Jesus to the people on the fringes of Slovakia. The church is reaching their village and evangelizing the surrounding area. A new church facility will allow them to continue growing in their faith and building lasting hope in the lives of the Roma people in and around Kendice, Slovakia.