Family Mission Trips - Bigger Than...
Builders International missionaries, Jeremy and Faith Godwin and their three sons, led one of our 2019 family mission trips last week to Costa Rica. See Jeremy’s thoughts about the trip below!
“When most people think about taking a vacation, they usually think about rest and relaxation. Of course, we had those moments during this year’s family mission trip to Costa Rica!
But what happens when a vacation does more than provide rest? When it helps restore! When it allows us to be part of something bigger than ourselves, bigger than our families, and bigger than our challenges! When it brings us back to the heart of our Heavenly Father and we get the opportunity to share His love by serving others!
God created this world to display His unmatched beauty and for us to enjoy. However, He also made it to act as a field of opportunity to be His hands and feet to those around us and to the ends of the earth.

Costa Rica may be one of the most beautiful places on earth, but it is also a place of opportunity where three families…six adults and seven kids, plus our host missionary family were able to engage in ways they never imagined possible!
Like one of the parents said, ‘It was like taking the most amazing family vacation, but with a purpose!’
One of the kids on the trip said, ‘I don’t think we will ever be able to take just a “normal” vacation again!’
And that’s what Family Mission Trips are all about!”
If you are interested in a kid-friendly mission trip (this one is for ages 16 and up.) Check out our Pathfinders trip to Togo, Africa, in November! You will have the opportunity to work alongside your teenager under the African sun while building tabernacles and building hope! Click “Join A Team!” below to find out more about the mission trip’s details.