End-Of-Year Giving | Builders International

End-Of-Year Giving

Ryan Moore November 21, 2024 4min read

End-Of-Year Giving

Edward never imagined he’d need a place like Agape International Christian Assembly. He built his life around work and success in Taiwan, resisting his wife’s many invitations to church over the years. Sundays, he said, were for rest, not church.

But then, Edward’s life took a dark turn. His newborn was hospitalized, and Edward received a devastating diagnosis: a brain tumor! With nowhere else to turn, he finally attended church with his wife, where the congregation prayed over him. 

In that moment, Edward experienced a peace he’d never known as he surrendered his life to Jesus – and today, he is fully healed! He now carries his Bible wherever he goes and is surrounded by a new church family that brings him hope and purpose.

In Taiwan, hope and life-changing community is in short supply. Many, like Edward, face despair with nowhere to turn. That’s why Agape International Christian Assembly continues its mission to reach people through church planting. With nine churches launched, they’re committed to creating a lasting impact in communities like Zhunan, where the nearest church is miles away.

Builders International builds places where people find hope, like Zhunan! 

Thanks to your generosity, work is moving forward on projects around the world. Here’s a look at all the projects FINISHED and DEDICATED in 2024!

  • Bahamas: Camp Abaco
  • Belgium: Continental Theological Seminary – Phase One
  • Bosnia: Valley of Blessing Youth Campground
  • Honduras: Roatan Church
  • Nicaragua: Central Bible Institute
  • Panama: 4 Churches
  • Sri Lanka: Navinna Church
  • Uruguay: 3 Churches

That’s nine churches, two Bible Schools, and two campgrounds!

Each one of these finished projects is now a beacon of hope to the communities they serve!

Every building you help build is an effective tool that can serve even more lost and hurting people like Edward!

As 2024 comes to a close, we are focusing on three church plants that need a final push to finish.

> Church in Taiwan – $23,000

> Church in Panama – $18,000 

> Church in El Salvador – $22,000 

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to add these three churches to the ribbon-cutting celebration list next year? And think of all the life-changing stories that will come from these three church plants!

Would you consider a generous end-of-year donation to help complete these three global church plants, reaching people who need hope the most?

Your end-of-year donation will profoundly impact Taiwan, Panama, and El Salvador, ensuring people in these communities have a place to find lasting hope!

Will you help build a church to reach the lost?