Empower - Train - Provide | Builders International

Empower - Train - Provide

Ryan Moore August 20, 2018 1min read The Builders Weekly

Empower - Train - Provide

Empower leaders – train teachers – provide resources. This is the three-fold ministry of Latin American Resource and Training Center (LARTC), located in the country of Panama.

Led by AGWM missionaries, Rod and Sherry Boyd, LARTC serves educational ministries in 20 Spanish-speaking countries throughout Latin America.

The LARTC complex will consist of two buildings connected by a large atrium area, for a total of 35,000 sq ft. It is projected to be functionally complete to equip leaders, train teachers, and produce resources by the end of 2018.

Builders International is partnering with LARTC to complete the construction of this vital ministry site.

Construction for the third phase addition launched in early 2018! This phase connects the training/administration wing with the housing wing. A team from Bakersfield, California, recently started work on the fourth phase addition. This phase will add space to the training center/administration building. The fifth phase will provide staff housing.

Thanks for your prayers for this ministry as they raise up leaders throughout Latin America. These Christians will train an army of harvest workers destined to reach the world!

There is a lot of Good News out there! Stay informed and be happy. 🙂

I’ll take it!