SheBUILDS Construction Trips | Builders International

SheBUILDS is a community of ladies passionately empowering afflicted women and children around the world. This community rallies around projects that are making a difference in the lives of women and children who need it the most.

construction ministry trips

Team-ready projects, specific for SheBUILDS teams, that are empowering women and children around the world.


Antigua – Youth Ministry Center  

  • Trip Overview: Partner with Builders International and AGWM missionaries Billy and Havilah Roman on the Youth Ministry Center located on the island nation of Antigua. The broken youth on this island are neglected, abused, and exposed to dangers of drugs, prostitution, witchcraft, and poverty. With this project, we will be building a multi-purpose gymnatorium-style Youth Ministry Center for New Life Assembly. New Life is a multicultural, bilingual, young, and active church that focuses heavily on youth, due to the large population or young people on the island. The Ministry Center will provide a safe place for these youth to find hope and grow in Jesus.
  • Trip Cost: Approximately $1415 per person. GROUND COST ONLY. This trip cost includes in-country transportation, lodging, food, AGWM insurance, a fun-day excursion, and a Builders t-shirt and hat. Trip cost EXCLUDES airfare. 
  • Construction Funds Requested: $10,000 – $15,000
  • Project Listing:

El Salvador – Marriage & Family Counseling Center

  • Trip Overview: Builders is partnering with missionaries Don and Terri Triplett to help complete the Marriage and Family Counseling Center at the Kings Castle Ministry campus. This building will be used to counsel families on biblical family values.
  • Trip Cost: Approximately $1150 per person. GROUND COST ONLY. This trip cost includes in-country transportation, lodging, food, AGWM insurance, a fun-day excursion, and a Builders t-shirt and hat. Trip cost EXCLUDES airfare. 
  • Construction Funds Requested: $10,000 – $15,000  
  • Project Listing:

Honduras – Jehovah Jireh Assembly of God Church

  • Trip Overview: Builders is partnering with missionary Ken Harrell to help complete a church focused on children’s ministry in Roatan. These churches will not only serve as a place of worship for the local people but also provide powerful and life-changing kids’ ministry programs. 
  • Trip Cost: Approximately $1,250 per person. GROUND COST ONLY. This trip cost includes in-country transportation, lodging, food, AGWM insurance, a fun-day excursion, and a Builders t-shirt and hat. Trip cost EXCLUDES airfare.
  • Construction Funds Requested: $10,000 – $15,000
  • Project Listing:

Nicaragua – Local Church Construction

  • Trip Overview: SheBuilds is partnering with missionaries, Nathan and Christine Alfaro to come alongside local female pastors in Nicaragua to help with needed renovations in their churches, as well as, be a part of outreach in the community.
  • Trip Cost Approx: $1250 per person. GROUND COST ONLY for 8 days on the ground. This trip cost includes transportation, lodging, food, AGWM insurance, a fun day excursion, and a Builders t-shirt and hat. Trip cost EXCLUDES airfare.
  • Construction Funds Requested: $10,000 – $15,000

Panama – Church Construction (pending missionary schedule)

  • Trip Overview: Builders International missionary, Terry Bell, is leading teams to Panama to help complete church construction throughout the country. Many communities have pastors and church members, but no place to worship. SheBUILDS teams partner with female pastors and local Panamanian church members to build a church that will impact the community with the gospel for years to come! 
  • Trip Cost: Approximately $1,550 per person. GROUND COST ONLY. This trip cost includes in-country transportation, lodging, food, AGWM insurance, a fun-day excursion, and a Builders t-shirt and hat. Trip cost EXCLUDES airfare.
  • Construction Funds Requested: $12,500 – $15,000


Chile – Santiago Children’s Outreach Center

  • Trip Overview: Builders is partnering with missionaries Jim and Ester Mazurek to help complete the construction of the Santiago Children’s Outreach Center. This project is in its final phase now which is to complete a wing of classrooms that will be used for elementary education during the day, and higher learning education at night. June begins wintertime in Chile. Jim and Ester don’t typically host teams in July and August because it is the rainy/winter season there.
  • Trip Cost: Approximately $1,500 per person. GROUND COST ONLY. This trip cost includes in-country transportation, lodging, food, AGWM insurance, a fun-day excursion, and a Builders t-shirt and hat. Trip cost EXCLUDES airfare.
  • Construction Funds Requested: $10,000 – $15,000
  • Project Listing:

Ecuador – Jungle Bible School 

  • Trip Overview: Builders is partnering with missionaries Tim and Debbie Anderson to help complete the Jungle Bible School project. The bible school offers higher learning and training for pastors to start churches in their own communities. SheBuilds teams will spend time working on projects at the Bible School and then traveling to local communities to do kid’s ministry and outreach!
  • Trip Cost Approx: $1,150 per person. GROUND COST ONLY for 8 days on the field. This trip cost includes transportation, lodging, food, AGWM insurance, a fun day excursion, and a Builders t-shirt and hat. Trip cost EXCLUDES airfare
  •  Construction Funds Requested: $10,000 – $15,000


Spain – Barcelona International Church (Currently scheduling teams for 2026)

  • Trip Overview: Partner with Builders International and AGWM missionaries John and Brandi Carrano on the Barcelona International Church project. Their new building in downtown Barcelona will be completely renovated and become the fourth location of this growing church! In a church with already 90 nationalities represented in the congregation, this new building will greatly increase outreach and ministerial opportunities throughout this large and broken city of Spain.
  • Trip Cost: Approximately $1,500 per person. GROUND COST ONLY. This trip cost includes in-country transportation, lodging, food, AGWM insurance, a fun-day excursion, and a Builders t-shirt and hat. Trip cost EXCLUDES airfare.
  • Construction Funds Requested: $10,000 – $15,000
  • Project Listing:

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Thank you for your interest in SheBUILDS, a community of ladies passionately empowering afflicted women and children around the world.  

This community rallies around projects that are making a difference in the lives of women and children who need it the most.

When the SheBUILDS community takes action…women and children are exposed to the gospel and empowered with an opportunity to live a life filled with hope!

Laci Moore and the SheBUILDS Team 

Builders International