Afflicted women and children find themselves crushed by the world. The SheBUILDS community brings hope to the hopeless by serving the oppressed and speaking up for those who seek justice.
SheBUILDS is a community of ladies passionately empowering afflicted women and children around the world.
This community rallies around projects that are making a difference in the lives of women and children who need it the most.
1. Vision Trips
Go see a project, see the sights, do fun stuff, and financially support a project.
2. Construction Ministry Trips
Roll up your sleeves, get dirty, and do the work!
3. Fundraising Events
Enjoy time with like-minded ladies at an exciting event, while impacting women and children around the world.
Join this exclusive community of ladies! We’ll be sure you get an invite to SheBUILDS events, construction ministry trips, and vision trips!
SheBUILDS is inspired by the Proverbs 31 woman!
Proverbs 31:8-9, 20*
8 Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves;
ensure justice for those being crushed.
9 Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless,
and see that they get justice.
20 She extends a helping hand to the poor
and opens her arms to the needy.
*Holy Bible, New Living Translation. Tyndale House Publishers (Original work published 1996).
Thank you for your interest in SheBUILDS, a community of ladies passionately empowering afflicted women and children around the world.
This community rallies around projects that are making a difference in the lives of women and children who need it the most.
When the SheBUILDS community takes action…women and children are exposed to the gospel and empowered with an opportunity to live a life filled with hope!
Laci Moore and the SheBUILDS Team
Builders International