Join the unstoppable mission-minded family of monthly givers.
Builders International is a passionate community invested in building schools and churches around the world where people find HOPE. People like you, giving anything they can to ensure others have a place to find hope.
There will come a day when every person has had the opportunity to find hope.
WE will BUILD churches where people find hope.
WE will BUILD grade schools to educate the next generation.
WE will BUILD Bible schools to equip and empower leaders.

It’s about helping people.
We understand that buildings don’t help people, people help people! Only God, working through people, can bring transformation to an individual life and a community. Your giving will be partnered with action takers, missionaries, and local community leaders to catapult their efforts of reaching people.
What would your life be like if you never had a church to attend or a school to learn? Your life would be different! We simply believe…every person deserves a place to find hope. The Builders community invests in projects that have long-term sustainability and promise a great return on investment as they empower proven community champions to further succeed at helping others.

Every monthly commitment makes a difference!
√ Be productive even when you can’t go.
√ Escape the tunnel vision of daily life.
√ Find satisfaction knowing you are building hope every month!

Without the opportunity to send teams in the coming months, your giving can keep projects moving forward. Your giving has never been more needed. Every $80 gift provides space for one person to find hope! Every penny counts. How many people would you like to provide space for?